Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Land law assignment result^^

When lecturer call out the name to give the assignment result back, I felt so curious. I am keen to know how much I get.







Finally, he call my name and I got....I got 18/20...and it's seems to be the highest score cus no one could get more than that, but many people could get 18 and I am one of them^^. I am satisfy....so I am gonna go to bed now.

1 comment:

Svetlena said...

the result, the 2nd assignment, m kind feel guilty mex tes...coz i got the 3 answer right by my classmate...i fill 5 gaps myself, but the other three, classmate told me to put that one...I arrive at school all alone...none of u gals arrive in that time, fill huy, my classmate took to teacher bat...hmm...get high score but not really by myself..

1st assignment, i deserve to get 17! lol I wrote lop lop...min nerk sman tha ban 17 ehhhh